We understand that you may be concerned about whether people will show up to your group meeting. It can be frustrating when you have put in a lot of time and effort and no one shows up. However, we can assure you that there are numerous reasons why you should not be afraid.
Firstly, we provide a great platform for people with similar interests to meet and have a good time. After creating a group meeting, it will be visible for numerous users in the app. Most likely, your meeting will attract users with similar interests.
Moreover, you can create and design your group meeting in order to attract potential participants. Group meetings at a restaurant or outdoor activities are always a good choice. You could also come up with a topic that draws attention and differentiates your group meeting from others. Sometimes, a creative title or a good description will convince users.
If you want to make sure that you will have fun and will not be alone at your group meeting, you can invite a friend who is not registered on Meet5.
Ultimately, everyone who is registered on Meet5 is searching for new connections and people to meet and hang out with. Even if no one comes to your group meeting, that is okay and there's nothing you can do. Don't let that discourage you. Group meetings with expressive titles and descriptions are usually always packed with users. A tip for you as the group meeting creator: Choose a high-quality profile picture where you are clear to see. Do not forget to smile :)
Give it a try. You might be surprised by the number of people who want to attend your group meeting.